19-23 juin 2017 Aussois (France)
Une dynamique de Glauber pour Liouville
Christophe Garban  1@  
1 : ICJ, Lyon 1

In this talk, I will discuss and analyze an SPDE which arises naturally in the context of Liouville quantum gravity. This SPDE is built to preserve the so-called Liouville measure which has been constructed recently on the two-dimensional sphere S^2 and the torus T^2 in the work by David-Kupiainen-Rhodes-Vargas. In its simplified form, the SPDE can be written as follows
\partial_t X = \frac 1 2 \Delta X + e^{\gamma X} + \sqrt{2\pi} \xi
It belongs to the broad class of singular stochastic PDEs (which includes KPZ, dynamical Phi^4 etc.) with some new features due to the presence of intermittence.

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